Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I am Thankful For and Cooking for a Cause Salmon Patties

As Thanksgiving approaches, I have so much to be thankful for, and I know you do too. 

Today I was thankful for the Roto-Rooter Man because, for some reason, our old faucet in one of the showers decided it would not turn off.  It was spewing mega hot water everywhere.  Husband Fred tried to turn the water off at the street but, and I quote,  "I don't have the right tool, and I am going to be late for work!"  So that leaves me to greet Roto-Rooter Man at the door at 7:00 am this morning.  $125.00 later, the faucet was fixed. 

I am thankful for Husband Fred who gets up every morning at 5:00 am and works himself to the bone to provide for us.  Even though he could not find the right tool today, has not finished the Christmas lights, and still has not moved the building (inside joke), I love him with all my heart.  I am thankful for all he does!

I am thankful for Food Police.  She is the best daughter a Mama could ask for.  She is one of the most caring and honest people I know.  I wish you could all meet her.  I also am thankful for her side-kick - Son-in-Law.  He makes me laugh when no one else can and will get me to do things that I thought I never could like laying sod in the yard and getting me in the ocean during the sharks' feeding time.  I still have not recovered from that one!

I am thankful for my Dad and the fact that he is still getting it done at 78 years of age.  I am thankful when I call him every morning that he answers the phone, and I ask "What are you doing?" and he always has the same answer   "I am reading the paper, drinking my coffee, and eating an orange!"  That is music to my ears.   

I am thankful for all of my friends.  They bring peace to an otherwise crazy world.  For instance, I want to tell you what my work buddy Kim did today.  She brought me a WHOLE Sweet Potato Pie. Yes Food Police - a WHOLE pie.  It is her grand-mother's recipe, and Thanksgiving would not be complete without it.  She also buys me Babaganoush because I cannot find it at my local grocery store.  She rescues me when I cannot get the technology to work in my classroom.  What is so funny though is when she is not there I can make it work myself.  Hmmmmm.........  My other work buddy - Lynne - is cut from the very same cloth as me.  She throws the best birthday party for me every year at her pool.  Fun times can I say!!  She always has a funny joke, saying, or YouTube video to help us take it down a notch.  In fact, last night she made an "Office Max Elf Yourself" video of the three work buddies as elves dancing to an 80's song.  The program takes your face and puts it on a little elf.  Can I say I laughed hysterically for 30 minutes and released enough endorphins to get me through the week!!!!  I really wish I could dance like that and was that skinny!!

Speaking of skinny, I am thankful for my Body Pump Instructor - Amber - who tried to kill me yesterday with these new push-ups!! Horrors!! But between she and Food Police, I have lost over 10 pounds.

I am thankful for my Aunt Susie.  She, like Son-in-Law, can make me laugh like no other.  The best story lately from her was when her Mother made 6 year old Susie play the song "500 Miles" by Peter, Paul and Mary on her little ukelele for her grandfather when he was on his deathbed.  I don't know why that made us laugh, but I think it was the mental picture thing!!  She is the one who coined the phrase "Horror of horrors!"  That ukelele story is a horror of horrors. 

I am thankful for my sweet animals.   They bring such fun and life to an empty nest.  However, one of my dear friends Sara, who I am thankful for as well and who knows my weaknesses, has offered me a cat named Jackie.  She is a brown tabby and looks like a cat I met at the beach one year.  I am thankful for Sara but why are you doing this to me??  You know me!!  I will keep you updated.

I am thankful for Food Police's In-laws.  They are some of the sweetest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and she is the best cook known to man.  I am thankful I get to share Thanksgiving with them. 

I am thankful for my students.  They keep me young and on my toes.  They make me laugh and give me a captive audience to try out my different accents and new jokes on. 

I am thankful that I get to watch "Christmas Vacation" this week.  We kick off the Christmas season with this movie to get us pumped to get those Christmas lights done. 

I am thankful that Alabama is number 2 in the BCS standings and that when they annihilate Auburn Saturday and Arkansas beats LSU on Friday, they will be number 1 as they deserve.  RTR!!!!!!!

I am thankful for the restaurant Little Rosie's. I crave their Chicken Fajita Salad. I want one right now!! I am getting hungry!

I am thankful for my blog experiment and all the opportunities it has afforded me.  I am thankful for all of y'all that read it religiously and ask "When are you going to post another story and recipe?"  Thank you for indulging me. 

On to the recipe.....This is the last recipe I am cooking out of the Cooking for a Cause cookbook.  I will turn my sights to my various Christmas cookbooks for here on out until we hit the New Year.  The Eeny game chose Salmon Patties.  I have made these 1000 different ways but I really really liked these.  They held together better than any other, and they make for a quick week-night meal.   I will definitely make these again and again.

You will need a can of salmon, corn meal, crackers, an egg, and salt and pepper.

Drain the salmon reserving the liquid.  Add the crackers to the liquid and in another bowl, flake the salmon.

This is what the crackers absorbing the juice looks like!!  WOW!!

Add your other ingredients to the salmon.  WOW!!

Mix it all together.  This is riveting!

Brown them on each side.  I used Pam spray instead of oil.  Food Police was here helping me!!  Hey it worked!!

Plate and you are done!!  I got this simple but yummy meal on the table in under 30 minutes Rachael Ray!!

Here is your recipe......

Salmon Patties
Cooking for a Cause
Sandy Cross

1 (16-oz) can pink salmon
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/4 C cornmeal
1/2 C saltine crackers crumbs
1/4 tsp pepper
Oil or Pam for browning

Drain the salmon, reserving liquid.  Flake the salmon.  Combine liquid with cracker crumbs in bowl.  Mix this well.  Wait a little while and add your salmon, cornmeal, egg, salt and pepper.  Mix well and shape into patties.  Brown on both sides in Pam or oil in large skillet.  Drain on paper towels.  Serves 4

Now go have a great day and Thanksgiving!!!

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